The NeuroBat Lab

Updated on 10/20/2024
10/17/2024 | Papers: Angelo’s paper on ‘Understanding the Neural Basis of Natural Intelligence’ is published today in Cell. Congratulations, Angelo!
24/9/2024 | Recognition Angelo Forli is awarded the prestigious Peter and Patricia Gruber International Research Award from the Society of Neuroscience. Congratulations, Angelo!
9/9/2024 | Papers: Julie’s paper on the role of auditory feedback in vocal production in bats is officially live today in Current Biology. Congratulations Julie and all the authors, including our wonderful collaborators from the lab of Yehoash Raphael at the University of Michigan!
8/15/2024 | Michael Yartsev is named as co-director of the center of neural engineering and prosthesis. Awesome!
7/23/2024 | Recognition: Michael Yartsev is named as a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Investigator. Congratulations, Michael!
7/2/2024 | Papers: Madeleine and Kevin’s manuscript on the ‘Neural representation of humans experimenters in the bat hippocampus’ is published today in Nature Neuroscience. Congratulations, Madeleine and Kevin!
6/30/2024 | Recognition: Tatsumi Yoshida wins a grant from the Japan Student Services Organization. Congratulations, Tatsumi!
6/25/2024 | Recognition: Michael Yartsev is awarded the Boehringer Ingelheim FENS Research Award. Congratulations, Michael!
6/19/2024 | Recognition: Krishna Kasuba’s wins a prestigious post-doc fellowship from Swiss National Science foundation. Congratulations, Krishna!
4/19/2024 | New people: Wudi Fan Joins the lab as a graduate student. Welcome, Wudi!
6/19/2024 | Recognition: Congratulations to Madeleine Snyder for winning the ‘outstanding GSI award’ for her work in Michael’s class on the interface between neuroethology and neural engineering. Congratulations Madeleine!
2/29/2024 | Papers: Our joint project with the lab of Andreas Pfenning on convergent evolution of vocal learning associated proteins, regulatory elements and anatomical pathways is published today in Science. Congratulations to lead authors: Morgan, Tobias and Julie.
2/21/2024 | New people: Krishna Kasuba joins the lab as a post-doctoral fellow. Welcome aboard Krishna!
1/1/2024 | Michael Yartsev is named an inaugural director of the newly established center for the neuroscience of natural behaviors. Awesome!
8/30/2023 | Papers: Angelo Forli’s paper on the ‘Hippocampal representation during collective spatial behaviour in bats’ is published today in Nature.
8/1/2023 |New people: Tatsumi Yoshida joins the lab as a graduate student. Welcome aboard Tatsumi!
6/30/2023 | Recognition: Michael Yartsev is awarded tenure at UC Berkeley and promoted to Associate Professor. Congratulations, Michael!
11/13/2022 | Recognition: Michael Yartsev is awarded the prestigious Society of Neuroscience Young Investigator Award. Congratulations, Michael!
11/12/2022 | Recognition: Michael Yartsev is awarded the Cajal Club Cortical Explorer award. Congratulations, Michael!
11/1/2022 | Recognition: Michael Yartsev Named 2022 Peter Gruss Young Investigator Award Winner! Congratulations, Michael!
8/30/2022 | Papers: Our manuscript on a ‘A stable hippocampal code in freely flying bats’ led by Will and Tobias is published today in Nature. Congratulations to the wonderful team of researchers for this amazing work: Will, Tobias, Angelo and Madeleine.
8/1/2022 |New people: Hesper Chen joins the lab as a graduate student. Welcome aboard Hesper!
5/20/2022 |New people: Yuheng Feng joins the lab as a graduate student. Welcome aboard Yuheng!
4/2/2022 | Recognition: Michael Yartsev is awarded the C.J. Jerrick Award in Neuroanatomy. Congratulations, Michael!
2/8/2022 | Papers: Wujie Zhang’s paper, with coauthor Maimon Rose, is published in eLife. Congratulations, Wujie & Maimon!
10/21/2021 | Papers: Our manuscript on a ‘Cortical representation of group social communication in bats’ led by Maimon and Boaz is published today in Science. Congratulations to the wonderful team of researchers for this amazing work: Maimon, Boaz, Tobias and Julie.
7/9/2021 | Papers: Congratulation to Nick for his manuscript on ‘Nonlocal spatiotemporal representation in the hippocampus of freely flying bats’. Published today in Science.
6/11/2021 | Recognition: Congratulations, Wujie, for being selected for UC President’s Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings Fellows!
6/11/2021 | Recognition: Congratulations, Julie, for being selected for the 2021 Leading Edge Fellows!
5/6/2021 | Recognition: Michael Yartsev is awarded the early career award by the Society of Social Neuroscience. Congratulations, Michael!
5/4/2021 |New people: Kevin Qi joins the lab as a graduate student. Welcome aboard Kevin!
10/1/2020 |New people: Will Liberti joins the lab as a post-doc. Welcome aboard Will!
7/29/2020 | Recognition: Wujie Zhang was selected to receive the Capranica Prize from the Society of Neuroethology! Congratulations, Wuji!
7/1/2020 | Recognition: Michael Yartsev is selected to reserve the Valle Scholar Award. Congratulations, Michael!
4/6/2020 | Recognition: Madeline Snyder wins the prestigious NSF research fellowship. Congratulations Madeline!
4/2/2020 | Recognition: Michael Yartsev is awarded the prestigious Bakar Faculty Fellow Award. Congratulations, Michael!
3/28/2020 | Recognition: Michael Yartsev is selected to receive the ‘rising star award’ from the Mahoney Institute of Neuroscience (MINS). Congratulations, Michael!
3/26/2020 | Recognition: Another congratulation to Angelo Forli for being selected to receive the HFSP postdoctoral fellowship. Congratulations Angelo!
3/26/2020 | Recognition: Double congratulations to Tobias Schmid for being selected to receive (1) the NIH Outstanding Scholars in Neuroscience Award (OSNAP) and (2) The outstanding GSI award. Congratulations Tobias!
2/7/2020 | New people: Boaz Styr Joins the lab as a post-doctoral fellow.
Welcome, Boaz!
12/10/2019 | Grants/awards: Angelo Forli wins the EMBO long-term fellowship. Congratulations Angelo!
11/18/2019 | New people: Angelo Forli Joins the lab as a post-doctoral fellow.
Welcome, Angelo!
10/18/2019 | Recognition: Michael receives the Jannet Rosenberg Trubatch Award from the Society of Neuroscience.
10/9/2019 | Papers: A new review with a wonderful group of collaborators on a proposed approach for studying vocal learning across species is published in Neuron.
8/19/2019 | New people: Madeline Snyder joins the lab as a graduate student. Welcome, Maddie!
7/29/2019 | Papers: Daria's paper on long-term and persistent vocal plasticity in adult bats is published in Nature Communications. Congratulations Daria!
7/11/2019 | Papers: Wujie's paper on Correlated brain activity across the brains of socially interacting bats is published in Cell. Congratulations Wujie!
8/3/2018 | New people: Lindsey Loomis joins the lab as a research assistant. Welcome, Lindsey!
5/28/2018 |Recognition: Two graduate students in the lab are selected to receive the 2018 Heiligenberg Student Travel Award by the Society of Neuroethology. Congratulations Maimon and Tobias!
3/16/2018 |Recognition: Undergraduate student Maria Ji wins the SURF L&S 2018 Fellowship. Congratulations Maria!
1/10/2018 | Papers: Daria's paper in Current Biology on the neuroethology of bat navigation is accepted. Congratulations Daria!
1/1/2018 | New people: Julie Elie joins the lab as a post-doctoral fellow. Welcome Julie!
10/27/2017 | Papers: Michael's review on the need for diversity in animal models for neuroscience research is out in Science.
10/16/2017 |Recognition: Michael is selected to receive the 2017 Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering.
1/10/2017 | New people: Nick Dotson joins the lab as a post-doctoral fellow. Welcome, Nick!
9/25/2017 |Recognition: Michael receives a new grant from the air force to study the neurobiological basis of 3D navigation.
9/7/2017 | Recognition: Graduate student Tobias Schmid is selected to receive the 2017 Trainee Professional Development Award from the Society of Neuroscience.
1/5/2017 | New people: Yuka Minton joins the lab as our new lab manager. Welcome, Yuka!
5/25/2017 | Recognition: Michael receives the Brain Research Foundation Frank/Frank Seed Grant.
5/18/2017 | Recognition: Michael is selected to receive the 2017 McKnight Scholar Award.
3/17/2017 | Recognition: Congratulations to Maimon Rose for receiving an Honorable Mention for an NSF fellowship.
2/21/2017 | Recognition: Michael is named 2017 Sloan Research Fellow.
10/26/2016 | Recognition: Michael is named 2016 NYSCF – Robertson Investigator.
10/3/2016 | Recognition: Michael is awarded the 2016 NIH Director's New Innovator Award.
6/20/2016 | Recognition: Michael is awarded the 2016 Klingenstein-Simons Fellowship.
6/9/2016 | Recognition: Michael is named 2016 Pew Scholar.
​4/27/2016 | People: Maimon joins the lab for a PhD thesis! Welcome!
4/11/2016 | Recognition: Michael is named 2016 Searle Scholar.
4/1/2016 | People & Recognition: Double congratulations to Tobias Schmid who got admitted to the HWNI graduate program at UC Berkeley & won the prestigious NSF graduate research fellowship. Congratulations Tobias!!!
4/1/2016 | New people: Dr. Wujie Zhang from Columbia University joins the lab as a post-doctoral fellow. Welcome Wujie!
3/15/2016 | Recognition: Justin Baik, the first undergraduate student of the lab, is named Haas Scholar for his proposal on optogenetics in bats.
2/22/2016 | Recognition: Michael is awarded with a grant from the Human Frontiers Science Program with collaborators from Germany and the Netherlands
10/12/2015 | Recognition: Daria Genzel wins yet another grant. This time a two year research fellowship from the German Research Foundation (DFG) -
Congratulations Daria!
10/2/2015 | New people & Recognition: Dr. Daria Genzel from Munich (Germany) joins the lab & wins the DAAD visitng scholar fellowship -
Welcome & congratulations Daria!
​10/1/2015 | New people: Tobias Schmid from UCSF joins the lab -
Welcome aboard Tobias!
9/23/2015 | Recognition: Justin is selected as a Berkeley Physics Undergraduate Research Scholar - Congratulations Justin!
9/17/2015 | Recognition: Michael is awarded with a grant from the Charles A. Dana Foundation - David Mahoney Neuroimaging program.
8/14/2015 | Recognition: Michael is awarded with the BRAIN initiative EAGER award by the National Science Foundation (NSF).
8/6/2015 | Recognition: Michael is selected as a member of The Allen Institute for Brain Science Next Generation Leaders.
​7/13/2015 | Recognition: Michael is awarded the Raymond and Beverly Sackler Fund for Convergance Research in Biomedical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.
7/11/2015 | New People: Justin Baik from the physics department at UC Berkeley joins the lab - Welcome aboard Justin!
7/10/2015 | Recognition: Michael wins the Konishi Neuroethology Research Award from the International Society of Neuroethology.
7/1/2015 | The NeuroBat lab is now open!